local and family owned

Your favorite neighborhood restaurant specializing in pizza, pasta, and spirits.


Brier Pizza Kitchen has been a beloved neighborhood icon for over thirty years known for high quality pizza and savory dishes with Italian and Greek flair. Under the stewardship of four different owners much has changed over the years, the one thing that has remained consistent is Brier Pizza’s strong ties to the community.

Executive Chef Christopher Young is a Brier native. He trained professionally under the tutelage of Chef Juan Castrano at one of his award-winning restaurants in Scottsdale, Arizona before returning to his hometown of Brier and launching his flagship restaurant, Brier Pizza Kitchen.

Christopher is a student of molecular gastronomy, a style of cooking which closely examines how ingredients react in different environments and how they can be subtly modified through temperature regulation and catalytic stimulus to produce the most abundant flavors. He also studies the psychology of food and believes that sharing a meal with someone is one of the ultimate acts of community and connection. 

Christopher plans to open five more restaurants in the next ten years in Washington and Arizona. While you may not see Christopher as frequently on a day to day basis as he launches new concepts, as the Executive Chef he personally creates and oversees the execution of all dishes on the menu.